5204 Jackson Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48103

Outdoor floor tiles


When thinking about tiles, our mind usually goes towards floor or wall tiles which we use for the rooms in the house. Very rarely do we actually consider tiles which belong outside the walls – on the patio, terrace or any other area around your house.

This is a shame, since tiles bring texture, color and a different feel to any outdoor location, although there are a couple of things you should pay attention to.

Details below:

1.Pick a durable, resistant material. While you might go for ceramic or slate for indoor tiles, these simply do not work outdoor. You will need tiles which can stand against the elements and which people will step on each and every day. Good options here include marble, limestone, granite or quartz.

2.Make sure the tiles have a slip-resistant surface. While some materials might be strong, it’s very important that they don’t become extremely slippery when covered with a small layer of water. Remember that these tiles will get rained on constantly and will also freeze during the winter, so a low water absorption ratio is also quite important.

3.Go with a natural material as much as possible. Stone, wood or quartz tiles are all natural and thus belong outside. As a rule of thumb, stick to materials which can be found in nature for outdoor tiles. Not only are they resistant, but they also look great and combine well with other elements that you might find outside.

4.Last but not least, look for light color pallets. Since little to no artificial lighting will be available outside, darker shades will generally look worse than lighter ones. Regardless of the color, you want, try to light it down as much as possible.

That being said, outdoor tiles definitely bring a note of creativity and elegance to any household. If you follow the steps highlighted above, we’re sure you will choose the best option for your home in an instant.

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