5204 Jackson Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48103

LG VIATERA- new countertop collection

LG viatera-Ann Arbor

When most people hear about LG, they immediately think about electronics such as TVs or smartphones. Of course, we’re not here to discuss these divisions today, but rather take a look at LG Hausys’ new countertop collection.

This brand is one of the oldest and most experienced home improvement brands in the world, with two factories currently working on American soil. Surely their new collection is worth an analysis, isn’t it?

The Korean brand entered the American market in 1988 and had quickly risen to the top of the charts in terms of sales and number of customers. They have lots of products manufactured both in the US and abroad, but today we’ll be looking into their revolutionary quartz surface, Viatera, which is truly unique in the business.

Viatera countertops are perfect if you’re looking for a surface which can resist daily wear and tear, give your kitchen a unique look while also being easy to maintain and environmentally friendly. This sounds like a lot for a simple kitchen countertop, but the fact is that the new Viatera collection brings all that to the table, and much more. They also come with a 15-year warranty, well over industry averages and more than enough to encourage customers that investing in these countertops is easily worthwhile.

It has been proven that adding quality countertops to your home increases its value and gives great re-sell potential, so why not go with one of the biggest, newest and trendiest collections around?

LG Viatera quartz countertops will take your kitchen to a whole new level, both in terms of design and functionally. They are the new Rolls Royce of the countertop business, and for a good reason too.

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